“Marvelous things” are behaviors that you can develop to make your life more marvelous.
*Displaying manners at all times. This makes you a person that people like to have around. People see that you put others' feeling ahead of your own – you are not catty, selfish, etc.
*Knowing your etiquette – allows you to feel comfortable in all situations.
*Being well put-together. You never know who you will see – this means clean/neat/pressed. This shows that you think well of yourself and others – you are aware of others – it does not mean being at the height of “fashion.”
*Developing a happy outlook about your life – people will gravitate to you because you are happy and have a positive outlook about life and life’s situation. No one likes a “downer.”
*Being someone who is kind and generous in spirit.
*Having a sense of humor (that does not depend on getting laughs by teasing others).
All these attributes you can develop to enrich your world with friends and life experiences. To be a happy camper is truly a marvelous way to live. What does your deportment say about you? Written by MaryCatherine, posted by Esther